Updates to the privacy policy were made on September 17, 2023.

Updated: September 17, 2023

Update summary:

  • Adds mention of
  • Clarifies which game is made with Unity.

Privacy Policy

Privacy is super cool and important! Especially when you're dealing with kids. So here's my Privacy Policy; I hope it's not too crayon.

Please note: The Stickman Pictures ( is hosted by Substack and governed under a different policy. Please see Substack's privacy policy.

This site's hosting provider uses awstats to collect anonymized site traffic statistics. These include your IP address, the browser and operating system you're using, the pages you visit on the site, and websites that refer you here. I might use this information to figure out which pages are visited the most, or to try and prevent the hackers from hacking.

I do not collect or store any personally identifiable information, except when you actively give it to me by contacting me. And you aren't required to do so to access any of the site's features.

Games on this site may use your browser's local storage to save your progress. This stays on your computer where I can never touch it. Of course, you can clear it in your browser settings if you want.

Millie's Weird World is made with Unity. Please see Unity's privacy policy.

Have a question? Send me an email at support (Ahht) stickmanland (Doht Cohmme).